Raising a family can be expensive, particularly if your child requires therapy or has ongoing medical needs. TLC-WA is an accredited service provider under a number of public health initiatives, which means, depending on your individual circumstances, you may be eligible for funding assistance to help cover the cost of our services. Being a registered provider also means our services have met the legal and quality compliance standards demanded by these government bodies. In addition, if you have private health insurance, you may be eligible to receive rebates relating to our services from your insurance provider.
The following is designed to provide an overview of various funding options that may be available to our clients. For further information, please contact us or speak with your GP or private health insurer.

NDIS (The National Disability Insurance Scheme)
The NDIS provides individualised support and additional funding for people with disabilities as well as to their families and carers. The scheme is now fully rolled out across WA. The NDIS provides funding assistance relating to a variety of allied health services to those individuals and families who meet eligibility criteria. For more information, visit the NDIS website here.
Medicare Better Access Initiative
The Medicare Better Access Initiative aims at improving outcomes for people with a clinically diagnosed mental health disorder. Medicare rebates are available to clients for selected mental health services provided by General Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Psychologists (clinical and registered), eligible Social Workers and Occupational Therapists. It is also aimed at helping children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, anxiety and behavioural and social difficulties. Talk to your GP or visit www.health.gov.au to determine whether you are eligible to apply for funding under the Better Access Initiative.
Chronic Disease Management Plan
Families dealing with chronic medical conditions may be eligible for rebates to help cover the cost of allied health services such as Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology and Dietetics. A chronic medical condition refers to conditions that have been present for more than six months, including many forms of communication difficulty. Discuss your eligibility for a Chronic Disease Management Plan with your therapist who will advise how this can be organised through your GP. Your GP will be responsible for confirming your eligibility. Alternatively, visit www.humanservices.gov.au for more information.
Private Health Insurance
TLC-WA is registered with most major private health funds. Depending on your level of cover, you may be eligible to claim a percentage of the cost of our assessment and/or therapy services through your private health provider. Please check with your insurer to determine if you are eligible for any rebates.